25 Romance Anime Where The Main Characters Begin Dating Early

25 Romance Anime Where The Main Characters Begin Dating Early

Love takes time and work. A lot of romance anime reflect this fact, often building up the romance between main characters over a long period of time so that it will lead to the payoff of them getting together at the end. While this long game can keep fans invested in seeing the characters finally confess their feelings, some anime have their characters take that plunge much earlier.

By having the romantic leads of a series get together near the beginning, the audience is able to witness continued character growth in the context of the relationship. This dynamic tends to get cut from anime that have the characters getting into a relationship as the end goal. However, in trading out some of the build-up time, there are plenty of series out there that give viewers an extended look at what the couple is like when they start dating.

Updated by Lauren Younkin on March 5, 2025: The romance genre in anime is one that has a lot of variety given that relationships can be portrayed in a multitude of ways. More and more series have decided to flip the script on the traditional formula recently by establishing the relationship early so that it can be explored in depth in future episodes. As such, this list has been updated to include further examples of this trend and to comply with CBR’s current formatting standards.

25His and Her Circumstances Shows a Grounded Relationship

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Soichirou and Yukino from His and Her Circumstances.
Paper cutouts of Yukino and Soichiro fight in Kare Kano (His and Her Circumstances).
Soichiro whispers to Yukino in His and Her Circumstances.
The cast of His and Her Circumstances sit together on the stairs.
Soichirou and Yukino from His and Her Circumstances.
Paper cutouts of Yukino and Soichiro fight in Kare Kano (His and Her Circumstances).
Soichiro whispers to Yukino in His and Her Circumstances.
The cast of His and Her Circumstances sit together on the stairs.

Like many typical shojo animeHis and Her Circumstances features a romance between two people who consider themselves rivals. Where the show deviates from other series, however, is that main characters Yukino Miyazawa and Soichiro Arima realize the futility of this early on and resolve to work towards being better people together.

Arima confesses to Yukino right in the first episode, and they officially become a couple a few episodes later. This gives viewers the opportunity to watch them grow in their relationship, both as a couple and as individual people. Their romance isn’t idealized in the way that most fiction portrays, instead depicting a love that is messy and complicated but also real.

His and Her Circumstances

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His and Her Circumstances




RomanceRelease Date1998 – 1998DirectorsKen AndΓ΄, Hideaki Anno


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  • Cast Placeholder ImageVeronica Taylor
  • Cast Placeholder ImageMegan Hollingshead
  • Cast Placeholder ImageDick Rodstein
  • Cast Placeholder ImageChristopher Nicholas

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24Sacrifical Princess and the King of Beasts Has an Early Engagement

Streaming on Crunchyroll

Sariphi reaches for a human Leonhart covered in bandages in Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts.
Image via CBR

Set in a fantasy world, Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts follows a human girl named Sariphi who is set to be a sacrifice to maintain peace with the neighboring beast kingdom. However, upon meeting the infamous King of Beasts, Sariphi discovers that he is a gentle ruler that hates acts of violence. Since Sariphi has no home to go back to when Leonhart lets her go, they decide to get married to each other so that she will be allowed a place in the beast kingdom.

This all happens by the end of the first episode, and each episode after shows Leonhart and Sariphi fighting to stay together against the forces that would drive them apart. They both become each other’s lifeline, able to be themselves with one another in a way that they can with no other person. Though their marriage often seems to be a distant goal on the horizon as Sariphi proves herself to the beast kingdom, they are afforded plenty of quiet moments to fall in love in the meantime.


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Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts



Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Action & AdventureRelease Date2023 – 2023NetworkTokyo MX


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  • Cast Placeholder ImageSatoshi HinoLeonhart (voice)
  • Cast Placeholder ImageKana HanazawaSariphi (voice)
  • Cast Placeholder ImageNaomi ShindoDoctor’s wife (voice)
  • Cast Placeholder ImageMamiko NotoLeonhart’s mother (voice)

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23A Sign of Affection Transcends Language Barriers

Streaming On Crunchyroll

Yuki and Itsuomi are walking home with umbrellas in A Sign of Affection.
Image via Ajia-do Animation Works

For Yuki Itose, who was born without her sense of hearing, love was always a foreign concept. She sometimes found it hard to communicate with other people and therefore had a hard time forming connections with them. This changes, however, when she meets Itsuomi Nagi for the first time. Having come from a background of multiple languages, Itsuomi makes an effort to connect with Yuki in a way she’s never experienced before.

Itsuomi and Yuki from A Sign of Affection, Sawako and Kazehaya from Kimi ni Todoke, and Aoi from The Demon Prince of Momochi House


The 10 Best Shojo Anime of 2024, Ranked

2024 was a fantastic year for shojo anime, with new seasons from old favorites to brand new series fans can’t get enough of.


As they continue to run into each other on campus and Yuki starts teaching Itsuomi sign language, it becomes more and more clear that the two of them have feelings for one another. Despite this, it’s still somewhat of a shock when Itsuomi confesses to Yuki by Episode 6 considering the reputation that shojo anime has for often dragging out the build-up to a relationship unnecessarily. A Sign of Affection manages to dodge these clichΓ©s not only in this instance but in many others, making it a refreshing watch within the demographic.

Itsuomi Nagi and Yuki Itose are signing at each other while holding umbrellas in front of a pastel-colred background on the poster for A Sign of Affection.

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A Sign of Affection





9/10Release Date2024 – 2024NetworkTokyo MX, BS4


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  • Cast Placeholder ImageSumire MorohoshiYuki Itose
  • Cast Placeholder ImageYu MiyazakiItsuomi Nagi

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22Boarding School Juliet Retells a Classic Forbidden Romance

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Juliet Persia and Romio Inuzaka clashing swords in Boarding School Juliet.

In an imaginative take on Shakespeare’s Romeo and JulietBoarding School Juliet sets this well-known romance in a fantasy-inspired world where students attend Dahlia Academy, a school that encapsulates the conflict between two neighboring countries. Romio Inuzuka and Juliet Persia are the respective leaders of the dormitories that represent these countries, the Black Dogs and White Cats, which means that they should be natural enemies.

However, Inuzuka confesses his love to Persia at the end of Episode 1, kickstarting their relationship for the rest of the series. The nature of their circumstances forces them to hide their romance, leading to a lot of sneaking around and general misunderstandings between their two groups. Despite their relationship being far more difficult than the average teenager’s, Inuzuka and Persia make a vow to stick together through it all.

Boarding School Juliet anime series 2018

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Boarding School Juliet


Romantic Comedy

ActionRelease DateOctober 6, 2018


  • Cast Placeholder ImageYuki Ono
  • Cast Placeholder ImageAyane Sakura
  • Cast Placeholder ImageHiroshi Kamiya
  • Cast Placeholder ImageYoshimasa Hosoya

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21Taisho Otome Fairy Tale Depicts Real Feelings in an Arranged Marriage

Streaming On Crunchyroll

Yuzuki and Tamahiko sitting down to a meal together as Yuzuki smiles proudly in Taisho Otome Fairy Tale.

As the title suggests, Taisho Otome Fairy Tale takes place during Japan’s Taisho era in the 1920s. Arranged marriages during this time were not uncommon, which is exactly the situation that main characters Tamahiko Shima and Yuzuki Tachibana find themselves in. Discarded by his family after an accident that leaves him disabled, Tamahiko is prepared to give up on happiness until Yuzuki is dropped into his life.

Despite sharing in these less than ideal circumstances, Yuzuki is able to make the best of things in a way that contrasts with Tamahiko’s cynicism. She gives him the strength to want to turn his life around, and over time their contractual relationship turns into a real one. Though the reveal of their marriage in the first episode may not count for some as the beginning of their romance, they become attached to each other fairly quickly and even share a kiss by Episode 7.


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Taisho Otome Fairy Tale




AnimeRelease Date2021 – 2020NetworkTV Tokyo


  • Cast Placeholder ImageYusuke KobayashiTamahiko Shima (voice)
  • Cast Placeholder ImageSaya AizawaYuzuki Tachibana (voice)
  • Cast Placeholder ImageYume MiyamotoTamako Shima (voice)
  • Cast Placeholder ImageChika AnzaiRyo Atsumi (voice)

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20Sword Art Online Focuses on Its Core Romance

Streaming on Hulu

Kirito and Asuna are smiling as they look out into the distance from their new house in Sword Art Online.
Kirito and Asuna hug Yui in Sword Art Online.
Kirito and Asuna sit on a bench together in Sword Art Online.
Kirito, Yui, and Asuna are going fishing in Sword Art Online.
Kirito and Asuna are smiling as they look out into the distance from their new house in Sword Art Online.
Kirito and Asuna hug Yui in Sword Art Online.
Kirito and Asuna sit on a bench together in Sword Art Online.
Kirito, Yui, and Asuna are going fishing in Sword Art Online.

Sword Art Online is a video game isekai on the surface, but the show places a large emphasis on the romance between main characters Kirito and Asuna. Though they meet in the virtual world of Aincrad, a real love forms between them as they build new lives for themselves within the game. During their time there, Kirito and Asuna get married, buy a house together, and even become parental figures to a child named Yui.

Despite the hopelessness of their situation, Kirito and Asuna find hope in one another and learn to celebrate life in the moments where they can find it. This is only possible because the show lets them get together early on in the series, with the two years they spent in the game prior to that allowing for a natural build-up to that romance. Kirito and Asuna stay together in the SAO seasons following their escape from Aincrad, which means that the audience gets to continue witnessing the growth of their relationship in the real world.

Kirito and Asuna are holding swords and standing in front of a tower on the poster for Sword Art Online.

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Sword Art Online





7.2/10Release Date2012 – 2021


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  • Cast Placeholder ImageYoshitsugu Matsuoka
  • Cast Placeholder ImageHaruka Tomatsu

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19Girlfriend, Girlfriend Continues to Add Love Interests

Streaming On Crunchyroll

Three characters smiling in Kanojo Mo Kanojo/Girlfriend, Girlfriend.

Girlfriend, Girlfriend sees Naoya Mukai’s dream finally coming to fruition. After multiple attempts, his childhood friend, Saki Saki, finally agrees to go out with him at the beginning of the show. However, their bliss is somewhat short-lived, as Naoya finds himself attracted to another girl named Nagisa Minase.

Not wanting to give up Saki, but also wanting to explore a relationship with Nagisa, Naoya decides to date both girls, who are both fully aware of each other’s relationship with Naoya. The series then revolves around their increasingly complicated relationship as Naoya accepts more and more girls into his life.


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Girlfriend, Girlfriend



HaremRomanceRelease DateJuly 3, 2021

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18Beastars Speeds Things Along

Streaming On Netflix

Legoshi and Haru from Beastars with full moon behind them.
Image via Orange 

The relationship between Legoshi and Haru in Beastars starts off as a little complicated given that Haru doesn’t want to be particularly attached to anyone. However, by the middle of Season 1, Haru and Legoshi have had multiple romantic encounters and their mutual feelings for each other are apparent to the audience.

Louis, Gosha and Toki, and Gouhin from Beastars


10 Beastars Side Characters That Deserve Their Own Spin-Off

Beastars deserves spin-offs to explore untold stories like Gosha & Yahya’s past, Sagwan’s ocean life, and the deeper layers of its intricate society.

There is some confusion as to whether or not they’re together in the second season, but that is chalked up to Legoshi’s supreme social awkwardness rather than them actually being apart. Legoshi even proposes marriage to Haru while they’re in the school library. Although she rejects him, viewers can see that Haru would love to be by Legoshi’s side forever.


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AnimeRelease DateOctober 10, 2019NetworkFuji TV, Netflix


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  • Cast Placeholder ImageSayaka SenbongiRadio DJ (voice)
  • Cast Placeholder ImageChikahiro KobayashiLegoshi (voice)
  • Cast Placeholder ImageYuki OnoLouis (voice)
  • Cast Placeholder ImageFukushi OchiaiShishigumi (voice)

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17Shikimori’s Not Just a Cutie Shows a Cool Girlfriend & Her Clumsy Boyfriend

Streaming On Crunchyroll

Shikimori and Izumi smiling and laughing together in Shikimori's Not Just A Cutie.

Yuuki Izumi is head-over-heels for his cool girlfriend, Shikimori. The two begin Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie as an already established couple, letting the show focus on their dynamic in a relationship for all 12 episodes. Starting a series with an established relationship is not all that common in anime as it skips the build-up to the romance, but it also opens the door to explore what comes next in their lives.

Though they are already dating, Izumi harbors many insecurities about being a good boyfriend. He worries that his clumsiness will put Shikimori off, but the opposite is actually true. Shikimori finds Izumi completely endearing and enjoys protecting him. Shikimori and Izumi make a great couple since they complement each other so well throughout their time together.


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Shikimori’s Not Just A Cutie




9.5/10Release DateApril 10, 2022Networktv asahi, ABC TV, Nagoya TV, HTB, ABEMA, Animazing!!!


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  • Cast Placeholder ImageHiro ShimonoFuji Shikimori (voice)
  • Cast Placeholder ImageAyaka FukuharaAi Kamiya (voice)

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16Tsuredure Children Has Tons of Love Confessions

Streaming On Crunchyroll

Ayaka and Goda holding hands and looking at each other against a blue bubbly background.

Tsuredure Children is an anthology of love stories centered around various students from the same high school as they navigate the ins and outs of romance at a young age. Since the struggles of confessing are an ongoing theme of the series, some of these romances end up being slow and steady. Others, however, are not.

As early as the first episode, a few of these characters end up pairing off into couples and start dating, and more end up following suit not too far behind in the episodes after. While not every character gets together right at the beginning, it is amazing how many of them do so early on in the anime.


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Tsuredure Children



RomanceRelease Date2017 – 2016

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15Wotakoi: Love Is Hard for Otaku Features Otaku in Love

Streaming On Prime Video

Nifuji and Narumi look at a phone in Wotakoi while Nifuji smokes a cigarette.
A close-up depicts Narumi and Hirutaka holding each others' faces in Wotakoi: Love Is Hard For Otaku.
Narumi Momose pats Hirotaka Nifuji on the shoulder in Wotakoi: Love Is Hard For Otaku.
Narumi and Hirotaka from Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku look at each other next to Taro & Hanako.
Nifuji and Narumi look at a phone in Wotakoi while Nifuji smokes a cigarette.
A close-up depicts Narumi and Hirutaka holding each others' faces in Wotakoi: Love Is Hard For Otaku.
Narumi Momose pats Hirotaka Nifuji on the shoulder in Wotakoi: Love Is Hard For Otaku.
Narumi and Hirotaka from Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku look at each other next to Taro & Hanako.

Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku is a poignantly relevant story for any adult anime fan. The story focuses on the relationship between two coworkers, Narumi Momose and Hirotaka Nifuji. The two are childhood friends who agree to start dating so that Narumi does not have to feel like she needs to hide the otaku part of herself. The idea is Hirotaka’s, as he has been in love with Narumi since they were young.

This show is a look into the lives of adults who are tired of hiding and ready to be themselves. Full of anime and gaming references, the story focuses on the dating lives of adults, which has become rare among the abundance of high school anime. Though the ending left fans wanting, it is still a great watch for older fans looking for a refreshing romance.

The cover for Wotakoi Love Is Hard for an Otaku (2018) depicts Hirotaka Nifuji and Narumi Momose making eye contact at work while Taro Kabakura and Hanako Koyanagi look at each other in the background.

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Wotakoi: Love Is Hard for an Otaku




RomanceRelease DateApril 12, 2018DirectorsYoshimasa Hiraike


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  • Cast Placeholder ImageArisa Date
  • Cast Placeholder ImageKento Ito
  • Cast Placeholder ImageMiyuki Sawashiro
  • Cast Placeholder ImageTomokazu Sugita

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14Gamers! Puts the Couple Together After Hilarious Misunderstandings

Streaming On Crunchyroll

Keita and Karen talking together in GAMERS!

Admittedly, Karen Tendou and Keita Amano’s relationship gets off to a rocky start. Between Keita’s incredibly low self-esteem and Karen’s maddening obsession with Keita, it seems like these two will never manage to get together after he rejects her offer to join the gaming club (as well as a truckload of hilarious misunderstandings).

Surprisingly though, Keita manages to muster up the courage to jump past “friend territory” and go straight to dating in Episode 6 of Gamers! Despite both of them being socially awkward and the other little entanglements that get between them, they manage to successfully date and stay a couple for the rest of the season.


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RomanceAnimeRelease Date2017 – 2016NetworkAT-X


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  • Cast Placeholder ImageMegumi HanKeita Amano (voice)
  • Cast Placeholder ImageHisako KanemotoKaren Tendo (voice)
  • Cast Placeholder ImageRumi OkuboAguri (voice)
  • Cast Placeholder ImageToshiyuki ToyonagaTasuku Uehara (voice)

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13And You Thought There Is Never a Girl Online? Focuses on an Online Couple Turned Real

Streaming On Crunchyroll

Russian walking away from in-game Ako in the anime And You Thought There Is Never a Girl Online.

At the start of And You Thought There Is Never a Girl Online? Hideki Nishimura, aka Rusian, and Ako are married in the game “Legendary Age,” and while it is not real to Rusian, it is very real to Ako due to her rejection of the real world. Eventually, the two meet up in real life and, along with their fellow guildmates, try to get Ako to give the outside world another chance.

This quickly strengthens the bond between Ako and Rusian, and their in-game love starts to become the real deal by Episode 6. While Ako’s mentality is a little skewed towards her in-game counterpart, the fact still stands that her love for him is genuine. Plus, they were together even before Rusian started to reciprocate those feelings.

The two main characters in And You Thought There Is Never a Girl Online

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And You Thought There Is Never A Girl Online



RomanceRelease DateApril 7, 2016


  • Cast Placeholder ImageToshiyuki Toyonaga
  • Cast Placeholder ImageRina Hidaka
  • Cast Placeholder ImageInori Minase
  • instar40302960.jpgTrina Nishimura

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12Rent-A-Girlfriend Gives New Meaning to Internet Relationships

Streaming On Crunchyroll

Kazuya and Chizuru go on a date in Rent-A-Girlfriend.

Kazuya Kinoshita gets hit hard with heartbreak from the very start of Rent-A-Girlfriend and eventually tries to drown his sorrows by using the Diamond App to rent Chizuru Mizuhara to go out with him. Unfortunately, he complicates things when he ends up introducing her to his family, putting them both into an awkward and tangled web of lies.

Split Images of Wotakoi, Nana, and Golden Time


The 30 Best Adult Romance Anime of All Time

Many romance anime focus on teenagers, but it can be more relatable for adult viewers to see love stories about people in their own age range.


Despite not being an actual couple, the two are technically dating, just not in the traditional sense. Yet, through the constant mistakes and misunderstandings, the two start to develop genuine feelings for each other throughout the series. Though stuck in their fake story that keeps on expanding as more and more girls get involved, it is evident that they want nothing more than to make things between them real.


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RomanceAnimeRelease Date2020 – 2024NetworkTBS, MBS, CBC, Tulip Television, BSN, tys, NBC, HBC, RKK, i-Television, SBS, IBC, BSS, MRO, OBS, TUF, RSK, TUY, tbc, RKB, SBC, KUTV, RBC, UTY, RCC, MRT, atv, MBC


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  • Cast Placeholder ImageMasayuki AkasakaYoshiaki Kibe (voice)
  • Cast Placeholder ImageRie TakahashiSumi Sakurasawa (voice)
  • Cast Placeholder ImageShun HorieKazuya Kinoshita (voice)
  • Cast Placeholder ImageSora AmamiyaChizuru Mizuhara (voice)

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11Tsukigakirei Shows the Power of Young Love

Streaming On Crunchyroll

Akane Mizuno coming up behind Kotarou Azumi at school in Tsuki ga Kirei.
Image via Feel

Tsukigakirei centers around the romance between middle schoolers Kotarou Azumi and Akane Mizuno. They only develop crushes on each other at the beginning of the show, but they quickly confess their feelings to one another and begin dating. Though it takes a while for them to kiss, the two of them enjoy each other’s company as they go on dates and hang out on school trips.

The love that Kotarou and Akane share is so strong that it even survives Akane’s move to a far-off town at the end of the show. Though fans do not get to see it for themselves, the credits show a happily married Kotarou and Akane starting a family. Tsuki ga Kirei is a sweet tale that shows all the stages of young love.

The main characters of Tsuki ga Kirei walking to school on the poster

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Tsuki ga Kirei


RomanceDramaRelease DateApril 6, 2017


  • Cast Placeholder ImageKonomi Kohara
  • Cast Placeholder ImageAtsushi Tamaru
  • Cast Placeholder ImageShōya Shiba
  • Cast Placeholder ImageStephen Sanders

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10Nisekoi Begins With a Fake Relationship

Not Currently Available On Streaming

Chitoge trying to get attention in Nisekoi.
Raku and friends go to the beach in Nisekoi.
Chitoge Kirisaki looks offscreen in Nisekoi.
Raku stands with the cast of Nisekoi.
Chitoge trying to get attention in Nisekoi.
Raku and friends go to the beach in Nisekoi.
Chitoge Kirisaki looks offscreen in Nisekoi.
Raku stands with the cast of Nisekoi.

Not all couples start out liking each other, something Chitoge Kirisaki and Raku Ichijo from Nisekoi know quite well. After giving off the worst first impressions possible, the two end up having to be in a false relationship for their families to call a truce to their feud. For the majority of the series, they fake being a couple.

Initially, Chitoge and Raku are like cats and dogs and cannot stand the fact that they have to pretend to date each other. However, as their false love continues throughout the series, the two do grow closer to one another. Eventually, those harsh feelings start becoming romantic ones, proving that sometimes opposites do attract.


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ComedyRelease Date2014 – 2015


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  • Cast Placeholder ImageKoki UchiyamaRaku Ichijou
  • Cast Placeholder ImageNao TΓ΄yamaChitoge Kirisaki
  • Cast Placeholder ImageKana HanazawaKosaki Onodera
  • Cast Placeholder ImageTakehito KoyasuClaude

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9Arakawa Under the Bridge Has a Bizarre Romance

Streaming On Crunchyroll

Kou is resting his head in Nino's lap in Arakawa Under the Bridge.
Image via Studio Shaft

After falling into the Arakawa River, Kou Ichinomiya is rescued by a girl named Nino who claims to be from Venus. Kou feels like he has to pay back the debt of saving his life due to the morals instilled in him as a child and, without any other idea of how to do that, decides to start a relationship with Nino in Arakawa Under the Bridge.

While unfamiliar with the concept of romance at first, Nino does eventually come around to the idea, and the two of them start dating by Episode 4 of the series. Kou’s relationship with Nino leads him to discover the many strange people who live under the bridge in Arakawa and all the bizarre things that come with them.

Arakawa Under the Bridge

A young man is drawn by his eccentric new girlfriend into her home, a village of eccentrics who live under a bridge on the Arakawa River.Seasons2

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8Scott Pilgrim Takes Off Sparks a Love Story Across Time

Streaming On Netflix

Ramona and Scott charge forward together in Scott Pilgrim Takes Off.
Image via Science Saru

The entire story of every Scott Pilgrim property hinges on the blossoming relationship between Scott Pilgrim and Ramona Flowers. The Netflix animated series, Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, is no exception to this. Ramona and Scott happen upon each other as Ramona skates through Scott’s mind, and sparks fly when they kiss in the first episode.

Although Scott goes missing and is gone for most of the season, Ramona never falters in her dedication to him. Likewise, Scott can’t bring himself to heed his future self’s warning about how Ramona will break his heart in the future. For Ramona and Scott, being together β€” even if it’s not forever β€” is worth it for all the love they have to share.

Scott Pilgrim Takes Off Temp TV Poster

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Scott Pilgrim Takes Off







10Release Date2023 – 2022ShowrunnerBryan Lee O’Malley, BenDavid Grabinski


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7Spy x Family’s Couple Gets Married to Evade the Government

Streaming On Crunchyroll

Loid and Yor Forger are looking at each other and blushing in Spy x Family.
Image via Wit Studio and CloverWorks

The fate of the world rests on the relationship between Special Agent Twilight and a deadly assassin named Yor Briar in Spy x Family. Now known as Loid and Yor Forger, the two agree to get married so that Loid’s (fake) daughter, Anya, can get into the prestigious school where his enemy’s children also go. Yor needs the marriage as well so that she doesn’t fall under suspicion from the government, given that she is “aging” and unmarried (which would potentially mean she’s a spy).

Images of Spy x Family, The Way of the Househusband and The Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting


Spy x Family & 9 Other Amazing Anime If You Loved The Way of the Househusband on Netflix

For those looking for scary-looking but soft protagonists and sweet domestic relationships, give these ten anime a try.

Loid and Yor take their new roles as husband and wife very seriously and eventually come to realize that they enjoy being part of a family. Though they’ve had many setbacks, Loid and Yor remain dedicated to each other. Fans can only hope that the two of them eventually figure out their mutual feelings for one another.

The poster for Spy x Family depicts a mirrored image where Anya is mischievously smiling and other children are looking at her with various shocked expressions on one side and Anya is excited while standing next to Yor and Loid on the other.

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Spy x Family






8.8/10Release DateApril 9, 2022DirectorsKazuhiro Furuhashi, Takahiro Harada


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  • Cast Placeholder ImageTakuya Eguchi
  • Cast Placeholder ImageAtsumi Tanezaki

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6Horimiya Has a Confession by Episode 4

Streaming On Crunchyroll

Hori and Miyamura holding hands on the bedroom floor in Horimiya.
Image via Crunchyroll

Horimiya quickly became a popular anime in the romance genre thanks to the raw emotion of its characters and its more realistic take on teenage romance. Part of that stems from the theme of falling for someone after getting to know them, which title characters Kyoko Hori and Izumi Miyamura do pretty quickly after seeing past initial appearances.

By the end of the fourth episode, Miyamura ends up confessing his feelings to Hori, believing that she is asleep at the time, and this lights the spark for Hori to confirm their couple status in the next episode. The two end up dating from then on out while riding through all the ups and downs that come with life and relationships.

Many characters from Horimiya, some of which include Izumi Miyamura and Kyouko Hori, are in a three-by-three grid on the poster of Horimiya.

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8.5/10Release Date2021 – 2023


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  • Cast Placeholder ImageHaruka TomatsuKyoko Hori
  • Cast Placeholder ImageKoki UchiyamaIzumi Miyamura

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5Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai Shows Love Overcoming Insecurities

Streaming On Crunchyroll

Sakuta and Mai sitting next to each other in Rascal Does Not Dream Of Bunny Girl Senpai.
Sakuta standing on the beach with Mai in Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai.
Mai wears a bunny costume as Sakuta eyes her curiously in Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai.
Sakuta and Mai stand side by side in their school uniforms in the evening.
Sakuta and Mai sitting next to each other in Rascal Does Not Dream Of Bunny Girl Senpai.
Sakuta standing on the beach with Mai in Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai.
Mai wears a bunny costume as Sakuta eyes her curiously in Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai.
Sakuta and Mai stand side by side in their school uniforms in the evening.

Sakuta and Mai end up having a unique first encounter, to say the least, in Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai. Sakuta sees Mai walking around the public library while dressed as a bunny girl, and that begins an entanglement that ultimately leads to them becoming a couple. The two move surprisingly pretty fast on that front, even if neither puts a label on it at first.

To experiment with the strange happenings around the bunny girl senpai’s existence, Sakuta and Mai go out on a date (though Mai denies it being one) as early as Episode 2. In the very next episode, Sakuta confesses that he loves Mai, and the one after that is when she accepts his feelings and they become an official couple for the rest of the season.


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Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai






5/10Release Date2018 – 2018


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  • Cast Placeholder ImageKaito IshikawaSakuta Azusagawa
  • Cast Placeholder ImageAsami SetoMai Sakurajima

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4Snow White With the Red Hair Is Not a Typical Fantasy Romance

Streaming On Crunchyroll

Shirayuki and Zen kiss in Snow White With the Red Hair.
Image via Bones

Snow White with the Red Hair seems like it would be a typical shojo romance, but it is anything other than standard. Shirayuki is a self-sufficient woman on the run from a persistent suitor when she bumps into Prince Zen of Clarines. The two form an instant bond that goes beyond their positions and titles. The main focus of the story is on Shirayuki and Zen’s relationship as they learn to balance work and each other.

This anime is different from its contemporaries, as not only does the couple get together early in the series, but they both respect each other’s positions and encourage one another to work toward their career goals. Though they face many tribulations and much skepticism from their peers, Zen and Shirayuki prove that status and rank do not matter much when love is involved.

Zen Wistalia is looking off into the distance to the left while Shirayuki looks off into the distance in a more straight-forward direction as they stand in front of a castle on the poster for Snow White with the Red Hair.

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Snow White With The Red Hair


DramaFantasyRelease DateJuly 6, 2015


  • Cast Placeholder ImageSaori Hayami
  • Cast Placeholder ImageRyōta Ōsaka
  • Cast Placeholder ImageYΕ«ichirō Umehara

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3My Love Story!! Shows That Opposites Attract

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Takeo giving a White Day gift to Rinko in My Love Story!!
Image via Madhouse

Takeo Gouda has had some rough luck when it comes to romance. Not only are his crushes turned off by his large and intimidating appearance, but they always end up being interested in his best friend Makoto Sunakawa. That all changes when he meets the sweet and kind Rinko Yamato, who quickly takes an interest in him in My Love Story!!

Images of Love After World Domination, Recovery of an MMO Junkie and Sasaki and Miyano


10 Underrated Romance Anime You Can Binge Right Now on Crunchyroll

Underrated romance anime deserve love, delivering heartfelt stories that rival fan-favorites like Fruits Basket & My Happy Marriage.

Because Takeo is so used to things not going his way, he assumes that Rinko is just interested in Makoto at first. This misunderstanding gets put to rest soon enough, however, and they officially become a couple by Episode 3. That begins their true love story, one where beauty is more than just skin-deep.

Takeo Goda is blushing while looking back at a smiling Rinko Yamato, who is standing in front of a serious Makoto Sunakawa, on the poster of My Love Story!!

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My Love Story!!




10/10Release DateApril 9, 2015


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  • Cast Placeholder ImageTakuya EguchiTakeo Goda
  • Cast Placeholder ImageMegumi HanRinko Yamato

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2My Happy Marriage Turns Out Better Than Expected

Streaming On Netflix

Kiyoka Kudo and Miyo Saimori taking a stroll through their garden in My Happy Marriage.
Image via Kinema Citrus

My Happy Marriage gives away what will happen to its main couple in the title. Miyo Saimori and Kiyoka Kudo are initially arranged to be married as a sort of sick farewell from Miyo’s family, as they hate her and Kiyoka is known for being a tyrant. Fortunately, Kiyoka’s temperament doesn’t align at all with the rumors, and he becomes a positive force in Miyo’s life that allows her to start moving past the abuse her family put her through.

Although Miyo and Kiyoka’s relationship has a rocky start, the two quickly find mutual respect and adoration for one another. Miyo has several survival mechanisms she has to unlearn from her time with her family and Kiyoka struggles to open up to people, but with each other’s support they are able to grow as individuals and deepen their relationship.


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My Happy Marriage



10/10Release DateJuly 5, 2023


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  • Cast Placeholder ImageReina UedaMiyo Saimori
  • Cast Placeholder ImageKaito IshikawaKiyoka Kudo

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1Tonikawa Has a Marriage in the First Episode

Streaming On Crunchyroll

Nasa holding Tsukasa while in wedding attire in Tonikawa.
Nasa Yuzaki and Tsukasa Yuzaki from TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You shopping.
Nasa sick in bed with Tsukasa taking care of him in Tonikawa.
Tsukasa blushes in Tonikawa: Over the Moon for You.
Nasa holding Tsukasa while in wedding attire in Tonikawa.
Nasa Yuzaki and Tsukasa Yuzaki from TONIKAWA: Over The Moon For You shopping.
Nasa sick in bed with Tsukasa taking care of him in Tonikawa.
Tsukasa blushes in Tonikawa: Over the Moon for You.

Some relationships in anime are a slow burn while others move pretty fast. Nasa Yuzaki and Tsukasa Tsukuyomi of Tonikawa: Over the Moon for You might just be one of the fastest. After surviving an encounter with a truck and meeting the girl of his dreams, Nasa gets another chance to ask Tsukasa out. Tsukasa accepts on the condition that they get married.

Despite their quick decision and the little ceremony that comes with it, Nasa enthusiastically accepts and his very wholesome marriage to Tsukasa begins to take form. Nasa and Tsukasa not only get together by the end of the first episode, but they jump past several other relationship steps and land straight on marriage after just barely meeting.


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