Dragon Ball DAIMA May Be the Last Dragon Ball Anime We Get for a Very Long Time

Dragon Ball DAIMA May Be the Last Dragon Ball Anime We Get for a Very Long Time

Dragon Ball
 has come to an end after 20 episodes of Goku and friends journeying through the Demon Realm. In typical Dragon Ball fashion, DAIMA featured surprising transformations and some head-scratching plot holes to keep fans on their toes โ€“ but with Dragon Ball DAIMAโ€™s bittersweet ending, the franchise now feels sadly aimless. With this anime being Akira Toriyamaโ€™s last work, how does the series proceed?

There hasn’t been any word about what happens next for this iconic franchise or its future. The Dragon Ball Super manga is still going through a hiatus, leaving fans to continue wondering if DBS will ever return as an anime, at all. Beyond that, the bigger question remainsโ€”will Dragon Ball DAIMA be the last Dragon Ball anime fans can huddle by the television and enjoy as one big Dragon Ball family?

Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta, Join Bugs, and Goku from Dragon Ball DAIMA


Dragon Ball DAIMA Spent 20 Episodes Hyping Up Fusion Only to Deprive Fans of a Canon Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta

Dragon Ball DAIMA checked off many fan service boxes but fell short to deliver Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta. Did all the hype go to waste?


Dragon Ball’s Future is Up in the Air After Akira Toriyamaโ€™s Passing

Where Does Dragon Ball Go From Here?

Goku and Vegeta meet at the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament - Dragon Ball Z
Goku in Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 20
goku looks up in a pink sky - Dragon Ball Z
Super Saiyan 4 Goku powers up in Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 20.
Goku and Vegeta meet at the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament - Dragon Ball Z
Goku in Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 20
goku looks up in a pink sky - Dragon Ball Z
Super Saiyan 4 Goku powers up in Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 20.

This is hardly the first time the Dragon Ball franchise has been stuck in limbo. The series fell into a lull both after Dragon Ball GT and later the Dragon Ball Super anime ended. That said, each of these hiatuses had Akira Toriyama there to bring the franchise back to life down the road. With Toriyama’s tragic passing, fans and even Toei Animation are facing uncertainty. It’s worth mentioning, however, that Toriyama wasn’t exactly a hands-on presence in the anime over the years.

Goku from Dragon Ball Super Toyotarou with Mako Maruyama from Cowa manga


Dragon Ball Super’s Toyotarou Reveals New Artwork of Akira Toriyama’s Favorite Character โ€“ And It’s Not Goku

Dragon Ball Super artist Toyotarou pays tribute to a unique Akira Toriyama gem, showcasing new artwork of the latter’s favorite manga hero.

Toriyama may not have had his hands in the kitchen during Dragon Ball DAIMA‘s run, but his vision and the man himself always spearheaded the storytelling. His stories and designs were the guiding light for everyone to follow, even if he didn’t necessarily care how the anime side of things turned out. All the same, Toei and Shueisha may be hesitant to push forward with new projects without Toriyama’s creative mind to steer the shipโ€”at least for now.

Everything from here on out is all speculation as fans and industry insiders wonder whatโ€™s next. But there are some silver linings concerning Dragon Ballโ€™s future that might keep fans’ heads up. Toriyama wasn’t the end all be all for Dragon Ball Super; he worked alongside many others, particularly his handpicked successor, Toyotaro. Toyotaro can certainly continue drawing the manga, carrying that torch โ€“ but will there be a creative force to drive the story forward, or will things stall out?

Fans Have Been Playing the Waiting Game With the Dragon Ball Super Anime & Manga

When Will the Dragon Ball Super Hiatus Come to Pass?

Ultra Instinct Goku charges up a Divine Kamehameha in Dragon Ball Super.
Image via Toei Animation

After Dragon Ball DAIMA (notably the only anime Toriyama genuinely worked on), fans are left in limbo once again. Fortunately, Dragon Ball Super still has life. With a significant amount of arcs yet to be animated, thereโ€™s still potential for a return. If these adaptations manage to restore that feeling fans received from Dragon Ball DAIMA, there may be hope yet. That said, Dragon Ball Super‘s anime has been on hold since 2018, keeping fans in the dark and wondering when they’ll see more of Goku’s journey.

Gohan, Trunks, and Goten all posing as super heroes in Dragon Ball Super Chapter 104


Dragon Ball Super Has Finally Redeemed Gohan’s Cringiest Era

Dragon Ball Super may have given Gohan’s cringiest era some much-needed love.

Seven years later, and there remains to be no word or rumblings of a return. And even if the anime does return, there is no telling how long the manga will continue, since it has been on hiatus until recently due to Akira Toriyama’s passing. Luckily, the Dragon Ball Super manga has returned with a one-shot even if it won’t be continuing its monthly schedule as fans have grown accustomed to. Where the story goes from here remains to be seen, but Chapter 104 does give fans a chance to quench that Dragon Ball thirst after DAIMA‘s end.

Dragon Ball Can Find a New Path By Focusing on Anthology Stories

Focusing on Miniseries Like Dragon Ball DAIMA May be the Future for this Franchise

Bulma and Panzy together in the water in Dragon Ball DAIMA's "Nakama" ending.

Dragon Ball DAIMA was a great time for many diehard fans, but it was strange for the anime to go back in time just after the Buu Saga to tell a story when Dragon Ball Super has more narrative left to tell. Maybe that can be a new direction for the franchise’s future, though. With Akira Toriyama’s untimely passing, it’s possible other creators he’s inspired will show their love for Dragon Ball in a similar fashion to Dragon Ball DAIMA. There could be mini-anthology series brought about by a genuine labor of love to showcase different eras of Dragon Ball in a new light.

A perfect example is another one of Toei Animationโ€™s works, One Pieceโ€™s Fan Letter โ€” albeit expanded into a miniseries. This project wasnโ€™t directly overseen by Oda himself but was led by a team of artists sho adore his work and created one of the best portrayals of One Piece to date. Whether it be the original series or something entirely new, these stories can revisit certain moments from Dragon Ball. They can even delve into a new story that never made it to screen. Better yet, they could try to mend the plot holes that have piled up over the years to make the franchise more cohesive while expanding on the lore.

Custom Image of Dragon Ball DAIMA Kamehameha


Dragon Ball DAIMA Ends With the Greatest Kamehameha in the Franchise’s 40 Year History

Dragon Ball DAIMA’s explosive finale may have given fans the best Kamehameha in the franchise’s history.

Each anthology could have a different focus and even bring forgotten characters back into the fray, like Launch, making Dragon Ball feel more complete. Goku doesn’t have to be the main character in every story, either, truly exploring the vast world beyond him. It would be interesting to see how a Gohan-focused miniseries or a What-if anime. If the franchise is willing to take risks, they could even tap into the villain side of Dragon Ball and focus on characters like Frieza or Cell from their own perspectives. Dragon Ball has a rich tapestry of lore just waiting to be explored, and this approach is a perfect way to keep fans engaged without besmirching Toriyama’s work.

No major canon has to be changed, and creators can pay homage to Akira Toriyama by exploring different avenues he has already paved the way for. The possibilities are truly endless with such a rich world to build upon. This type of anthology format would let the franchise evolve without needing to rely on Goku constantly saving the day. If Toei had to focus on Goku, it wouldn’t hurt to just remake the original Dragon Ball series like so many fans want. Preferably, this can be done with the animation and dedication of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero‘s cold opening. One quick scene showed fans how amazing a remake can truly be and reacquaint fans with the beginning of Dragon Ball with todayโ€™s animation. There could even be a tidbit of backstory about Goku’s father, Bardock, and the whole Saiyan raceโ€™s past leading to the story.

Hopefully Dragon Ball DAIMA isnโ€™t the Last Fans Have Seen From Dragon Ball

The Future Might Seem Murky, But There is a Solid Path to Take

Goku and friends waving goodbye at the end of Dragon Ball DAIMA
King Majin Kuu in Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 20
Evil Third Eyes in Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 20
Goku and friends waving goodbye at the end of Dragon Ball DAIMA
King Majin Kuu in Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 20
Evil Third Eyes in Dragon Ball DAIMA Episode 20

There will never be a visionary quite like Akira Toriyama. Toriyama was a man that reshaped the anime industry and earned the right to be called the Godfather of shonen anime. He has inspired many artists and storytellers with his work of art for decades, and his last work, Dragon Ball DAIMA, should inspire a new generation and quite possibly the future of Dragon Ball.

This series has checked off many fan-service boxes, but there is still so much more to explore. If Toei Animation were to ever explore the anthology approach suggested, it would be a fitting way to honor Akira Toriyamaโ€™s past work and create many more memories for generations to come. Hopefully, Dragon Ball DAIMA isnโ€™t the last that fans get to see from this iconic franchise. There is still so much more story left to be told.


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